DIY Boho Laundry Basket Baby Photo Sesh

About a week ago, my sister and mother convinced me to purchase a baby headwrap bow instead of my typical baby bows – I’m not a huge fan of tiny bows and I don’t like big bows, I like the mid-size with the fabric strap (call me picky).

I admit the headwraps are cute, but they just never called to me while shopping – and you can typically buy 2-3 regular bows for the price of a headwrap in-store. Nevertheless, I bought it.

Return back to today and it’s finally been washed and placed on my baby’s head – the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Well, we went out to finish the laundry and a few spilled between the dryer and the laundry basket. With nowhere else to sit her (she was on my hip), she ended up chilling in the laundry basket!

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Of course, I took advantage of this moment for some adorable shots! I also tried out a new preset – I’ve never had the lighting to make it work – and I absolutely LOVED how it turned out:

Laundry Basket Baby Photoshoot:

This one was really easy based on materials, here’s what you’ll need and what you can use:

The preset I used was purchased from OnePreset and is included in their “Mother” set – the specific one I used is called Dreamy Mother.

Anddddd this is how it turned out:

Boho Baby Creative Photo Ideas | Everyday She Moms
Boho Baby Laundry Basket DIY Photos | Everyday She Moms
DIY Creative Baby Photos | Everyday She Moms
DIY Laundry Basket Boho Baby Photos | Everyday She Moms

What do you think? To be fair, this is not one of the only creative baby photos that I’ve done at home. Still, this shoot and my sister’s Half a Dozen 6-Month photos are two of my all-time favorites!

And just to show you a comparison between the preset and the original:

Boho Baby Laundry Basket Photoshoot | Everyday She Moms

Not a huge fan of how the colors in the bow swapped, but I still like the look! Next time I’ll be trying the vintage preset I purchased 🤗

Also, you can modify how “strong” the preset applies to your photo, so you can go for a softer or more aggressive look.

You can shop the Dreamy Mother Lightroom presets I used here.

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